Wednesday, February 29, 2012

MRT !! how it is?

MRT taken from my iPhone 4s camera edited using instagram

MRT one of the most convenient and fastest way to travel around metro manila from North Edsa to South.

What it feels like traveling by MRT, well it depends if your lucky and you are able to ride the train which there are few people standing it's a comfy, but if your not, then you will have to experience people pushing at each other just to ride the train regardless of the gender and age, so if your a woman they don't care if you have kids they don't care, well let's admit it people really don't care as long as they can ride the train, so the mrt administration decided to designate the first car for woman and elderly "only" with some consideration if you are a man and injured like having a broken arms you can ride this car, if you are a man with your wife while carrying a child you can ride this car and if you are not none of the above, the security guard will call you to get off the train or the train won't move if you don't want to cooperate.

The yellow line, it is always to be observe to avoid stepping on the yellow line, you will announcement regarding this every now and then when you are in the platform, but people really don't care about this restriction, specially during peek hours and security guard can't do anything about it, once I was in buendia MRT station when a security guard ask the man beside me to refrain from stepping on the yellow line, well they got into an argument since this guy refuses to do so and this guy challenge the security guard for a fist fight, well the security guard is just doing it's job not to annoy passenger, but to keep them safe, but instead keeping on the argument the security guard just step away, since this guy don't want to follow him and do what he were ask.

In MRT station you get a chance to meet different kind of filipino people, you'll get to know what are the different behavior of a typical filipino, well sometimes it has to do with it's environment or they up bringing, if you can understand how other talk inside the train, you'll know what I mean.

Like I said before MRT administration designate the first car for woman and elderly only and with some restriction, but "WHY" does some woman and elder people still ride the other car?

Well I wonder this my self as well for a long long time, but one day while riding the train a man ask a woman after getting into the pushing trying to get in, "why don't you just ride the first car?" the man asked, the woman said "Riding the other car is much better compare to the designated car for us" "Why?" man asked again, the woman said "it's far more worst there, in the designated car you'll just find your self an enemy" well the woman started to describe how barbaric some woman riding the mrt, some woman will stare at you like she want's to kill you and some will talk against you and then the man where amuse what the woman said, well like I said "some" and not "all".

This are common inside the MRT or probably in any Train station in the world, using their phone, but I don't think that thief with different style of stealing from some is not common in any Train Station. In MRT or LRT you might get a chance of experiencing this, as of now there are different style of stealing your, there are thief you slip their hands when the train are full and some do it in a group where as they will gather around you pretending that there are some commotion and then still what ever they can still from your pocket or in your bag and once you notice that you are missing something, they will tell you that the thief went out of the train and will tell you that the guy wearing something like this and color like that and once you believe them and you went out it's a done deal and forget about reporting this to the security guard, it's useless even if you were able to call the security guard on time, well of course people will not admit who stole it and they will not let the security guard to check their things and if it during peek hours that's gonna be a big problem and a cost of delay for others and others will get mad at you even that you are a victim.

So when you're riding MRT better to keep in mind of your things if you're carrying a bag make sure not to put important things on a easy reach of your bag and if you can put it in front of you and hug it, just do it, better be safe than lose things. I thank God for not letting me experience this things.

Even with this not so good happening inside the MRT you can't refuse not to ride it, like I said it's the most convenient and the fastest way to travel around Metro Manila.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Today's Pic and a little bit of a climate change

Photo taken with iphone 4s camera
location GT Tower Makati City

After a few days of blazing Sun, then we had this hard pouring of the rain. Climate is not difficult to feel here in the Philippines, if you are a native here or grow here in the Philippines who can definitely feel the changes in it's weather cycle or climate cycle, usually during this time of the year it's all dry here, but occasionally we are experiencing random rain, sleepless night because of the humid air and now sometimes there are night which cold air will bite you in your sleep.

Climate change is something that we cannot undo, this is just what I think, we human made a mistake of taking our world for granted, there are lot of advertisement going on to our surrounding about protecting our world and lets do our part, but is this enough?

Let's admit there are more people who doesn't care compare to people who really care(I mean really really care without thinking how much will they get from this foundation), I notice that people only care when it's inevitable and they are on the line. Maybe we need a strong approach and maybe we really need to educate this uneducated people.

Anyway enough about the climate change and how people doesn't care about their surrounding.

This is my photo of the day.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Which DSLR camera? Nikon D5100 or canon 600d?

I've been to a lot of forum, youtube channel and blog that talk about this two camera, they are both entry level camera and both has great feedbacks from different user. Some forum talk about this two and end up reader fighting about the brand it self and discuss of which is the best dslr between the two, but for user like me who read to much on the net about this two it's hard to select which should I get.

What kind of photographer I want to be?

I'm planning to be a portrait photographer I want to take picture of people around me and see them in different angle.

Also I want to take photo of nature from time to time if given a chance

Decision... Decision ...

First day, First post on my blog

Finally, I was able to find time creating my own blog,  we'll been thinking of making one for a long time, but couldn't find a topic to post and to talk about and now after a long time I decided to go with photography and daily events that I see and want to talk about.

I am new with photography, my first digital camera was Sony HX1 which is quite wonderful camera for beginners I was able to capture nice photo's with it.

This is one of many samples that I have of using Sony HX1, but recently I decided to sell it and look for a better camera, Sony HX1 has all the features that I could I ask for, but I feel like I'm still looking for something that Sony HX1 doesn't have.

So as of know I don't have a digital camera or an D-SLR camera, but I'm using a camera from my iPhone 4s which also produce a nice quality image.

So from here, I'm still deciding which camera to buy and I have an interest with this camera Nikon D5100 and Canon 600D, and I can't decide which camera to get.

So there you have it, this is one of the topic that I want to discuss with my blog, I also have interest with foods, travel and events