Friday, August 17, 2012

Tips: Post Processing Image

There's a lot of different way of post processing an image and I as a beginner in this area I found this tip an easy way of doing post process images. So far I got some great result using this technique.

In this technique I'll be using this image below:


The first step that I'm gonna do is sharpening the image.

1. Go to Filter > Convert for Smart Filters.

2. Apply your sharpening (I use Unsharp Mask).
Amount: 200 Radius:4 Thereshold

3.Alt+ Add layer Mask (Black layer mask)

4. Use brush and brush on the part of the image you want to enhance

And I should get this result below.

Original Image using the unsharp mask.

In the image below you'll notice the difference on the edges on the hood is more detailed or more sharpen

The next step are optional since this will add a HDR looks on your image.

The Following instruction are copied from and I thank KolNedra of for sharing this wonderful tips.

5. Flatten the image and get ready for HDR Looks

6. We'll call the original layer "ORIGINAL", now duplicate ORIGINAL and place it above that layer. (We'll call this "BLACKWHITE")

7. Change the Blending option of BLACKWHITE to "Overlay"

8. Go to Image > Adjustements > Desaturate (SHIFT + CTRL + U)

9. Now invert BLACKWHITE: Image > Adjustements > Invert (CTRL + I)

10. And add a gaussian Blur to it (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur) around 40 pixels (This causes the so called 'bleeding' of the edges, tweak the amount to personal likings)

11. Now duplicate ORIGINAL and place it above BLACKWHITE, name this layer "LINEAR_LAYER"

12. Change the blending type of LINEAR_LAYER to "Linear Light"

13. Give LINEAR_LAYER an opacity around 62%. And you're done (For better results, tweak this percentage)

With the above instruction that should give us the result image below as our final image.

Final image with unsharp mask and hdr tutorial combine.

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